Jackson, 30 years old
Name (or alias): Jackson
Gender: M
Age at Diagnosis: 30
Current Age: 31
Type of Cancer: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Cancer Treatment Received: Chemo and Radiation Therapy
Relationship Status at Diagnosis: Single
Current Relationship Status: Single
Were you a parent at time of diagnosis?: No
Fertility preservation and fertility support services are important to me because it gives me an option to have children which is great. I know there’s a chance of getting cancer again in the future, so banking is a great option to have. You never know what is going to happen in life and it’s always nice to have a back up plan.
At time of diagnosis, did you know that cancer treatment could affect your fertility?: I was actually unaware of the effects of chemotherapy at the time.
Do you feel you received adequate information and/or support regarding fertility risks associated with cancer treatment and fertility preservation upon your diagnosis? Why or why not?: I felt very informed by all of the staff that were giving me treatments.
Briefly describe your life prior to your diagnosis (work, education, family, location): I was actually finishing up my last semester in College and on my way to getting a diploma. Living on my own and working a waiter/bartending job to get me by. I’ve been working so hard it feels like I’ve been climbing this mountain all my life and FINALLY it looked like I was going to reach the top. Turns out when I reached the top I was greeted by cancer and it kicked me in the face and all the way back down.
Did your diagnosis change your life or alter your plans for the future?: Of course it did, I have a greater appreciation for life. If you asked how my day was I’d always tell you it’s just another day in paradise. As for the future I still need to finish off school and this cancer was just
another one of those hurdles I had to get over. I just have to keep rolling with the punches that life throws at me and enjoy it.
How did your diagnosis impact your desire to become a parent in the future?: To be honest I never felt like I wanted children. But you know how it is when you find out you can’t have something, for some reason you want it more.
If you did undergo fertility preservation, please briefly describe your experience: I could go into details but that’d just be weird, but I can tell you the staff at Mount Sinai were really professional about it.
Have you become a parent post cancer treatment?: Unfortunately no, but I look forward to that day.
What advice would you give newly diagnosed cancer patients who are facing the possibility of infertility?: I would definitely recommend that they bank for the future.
If you would like to add any additional information please do so here: I would like to personally thank the Fertile Future Power of Hope program for generously not only helping me out but anyone who is affected by cancer. I was in quite a bit of financial trouble when I was diagnosed and the Power Hope helped hold me up when I was down.
How did you hear about Fertile Future?: My oncologist recommended the program which I’m very thankful to have knowledge of.