Exploring fertility challenges after chemotherapy

Dr. Kaajal Abrol and Jenny Lorito, a past Power of Hope recipient were interviewed on Canada AM.
The Fertile Future Power of Hope Cost Reduction Program is a charitable subsidy provided to qualified young cancer patients whose fertility is threatened by cancer treatments.

Fertility After Chemotherapy

A charity that helps young people preserve their chance of fertility after cancer has boosted its funding for women. Through Fertile Future’s Power of Hope: Cost Reduction Program, women can now apply for up to $2,500 to go toward egg freezing, subject to a sliding scale based on income.
Babies after cancer: charity helps young people preserve chances of fertility
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Fertile Future, a Canadian national charity that provides fertility preservation information and support services to cancer patients and oncology professionals, has recently made changes to their reimbursement structure that will benefit female applicants and increase access to oncofertility services.
Power of Hope Reimbursement Amounts Increased for Female Applicants Diagnosed With Cancer – Increasing Women’s Access To Egg Freezing
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Fertile Future, a Canadian national charity that provides fertility preservation information and support services to cancer patients and oncology professionals, is highly supportive of Ontario’s move to provide IVF funding to individuals struggling with infertility. Many questions remain surrounding the details of the funding, particularly what kind of coverage will be given to individuals diagnosed with cancer. Cancer patients have a very small window of opportunity in which to preserve their fertility prior to cancer treatment.
Ontario’s support for IVF positive news for cancer patients – Keeping the Hope Alive
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On a warm summer afternoon, set against the picturesque backdrop of tall palm trees, fringed lawns and the plush gardens of the Parker Palm Springs, in Palm Springs, Calif., Heidi Bonnell and her husband Joe Galimberti sit in a white hammock holding their newborn twin sons; both parents beaming with joy as a photographer captures every moment – including a moment that almost didn’t happen.
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